The Female Pleasure Points

According to research, 1/3 of all Brits don’t know where the clit is and half can’t describe the function of the labia. Perhaps it's not entirely surprising that women only orgasm 30-40% of the time during intercourse, when it’s clear more education is needed about the female anatomy and its pleasure points. Here are those go-to spots explained...



The clitoris is located at the top of the vulva and is solely designed for female pleasure.


What we know and what we don't

The Orgasm Gap, which refers to the difference in frequency of orgasm between men and women in heterosexual relationships, was uncovered in 2017, after the International Academy of Sex Research found in their studies that 95% of heterosexual men said they usually or always orgasmed when sexually intimate despite only 65% of straight women saying the same. Research continued and even now in 2023, only 18% of women can climax from penetrative sex alone and that 59% of women have faked an orgasm at some point.

It’s clear that there’s an extreme pleasure gap between men and women in heterosexual sexual encounters and a lack of understanding about female pleasure points and the female anatomy seems to be at the core.

According to research done by YouGov in 2019, half of Brits couldn’t identify or describe the function of the urethra, labia or vagina. This meant that six in ten men and half of women could not even label these parts of the female genitalia, and only 2/3 correctly found the clitoris! There’s clearly work to be done…

The female anatomy 101

The female sex organs refer to the parts of the female anatomy that are used during sex and for pleasure, though some organs have other functions too. Let’s look at each in turn.

The vagina

Used to refer to the female sex organs as a whole, the vagina is a muscular canal located inside the female body and opening outside. It connects the cervix (important during pregnancy and childbirth and inside the body) to the vulva (outside the body).

The vulva

The vagina ends at the vulva, which is essentially the inner and outer folds of skin on both sides of the vaginal opening. These are called the labia majora and labia minora, the outer and inner folds respectively. The term vulva also incorporates the clitoris.

The clitoris

The clitoris is the centre point of the female sex organs. Its tip (or ‘glans’) is located towards the top of the vulva, but it also extends internally and has about 8,000 nerve endings, twice as many as the penis.

The urethra

This little hole is located beneath the clitoris and is also in the umbrella of the section called the ‘vulva’. Commonly known at the ‘pee hole’, the urethra is where urine leaves the body!

From facts to finding the right spot...

The vaginal opening

The vagina has important functions in childbirth, pregnancy and during menstruation, but the walls of the vagina also have thousands of nerve endings that react upon penetration, either by a toy, fingers or a penis. It’s the vagina that becomes lubricated (’wet’) when you’re sexually aroused, making sex comfortable and enjoyable.

The G spot

The G spot is about two inches into the vagina and can deliver body-shaking orgasms when stimulated.

The cervix

Even deeper inside the vaginal canal, the cervix is hard to find but delivers intense orgasms. It’s firmer than the spongier texture of the vagina and when aroused, lifts up to around 5 inches inside the vagina.

The clitoris

The clit’s sole purpose is for female pleasure and is the most sensitive part of the vulva, which is an erogenous zone in itself. It’s sensitive to all types of touch, ranging from touch by the tongue, fingers, toys or penis. It’s also between 3-4 inches long, but only 3/4-1 inch of it is external. Internally, the clitoris has thousands of nerve endings which produce a range of pleasurable sensations depending on how the clit is touched.

There you have it, the female pleasure points, their anatomical explanation and why they're so important for delivering an orgasm for women. Whether you prefer clitoral orgasms, hitting the G-spot or going deep down for the cervix, a wetter orgasm delivers a more sensitive and intense sensation, so never say no to lube.

With love,

The Roam Team x

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