Sex at festivals: how to hack it

Summer is well under way and festivals are upon us. Sex in a tent is possible, but the difference between good and bad tent sex is a big one. Picture this: you’re humping in the corner of the two-man. Rain is slowly creeping its way into your sleeping bag. Your friend is curled up ten centimetres away from you pretending not to witness what they’re hearing in extreme detail. Needless to say, it’s not the romantic wildlife experience you imagined. Here’s how to avoid that, and have fun, safe festival sex instead.


'Tent triangle'

A sex position that involves sitting up and facing each other, with one person's legs wrapped around the other's hips.


Time is of the essence

The earlier you have sex in the day, the better. On day one you’re cleaner, more energised, and mud/alcohol is less likely to have sloshed its way onto your clothes. That’s not to say that third day sex is a complete no-no, but you’re always more sweet-smelling at home than at a festival, and bacteria travels. 

Staying clean

Speaking of avoiding nasty bacteria, this is a little harder in the absence of showers and clean toilets, but there are ways to stay fresh. Make use of that final shower before travelling! At the festival itself, generously reapply hand sanitizer. And baby wipes are your best friend. Dry shampoo will come in handy for greasy hair and, of course, deodorant.

What if it's a stranger?

Hooking up with someone new at a festival is very common and this shouldn’t scare you. Make sure to stay safe by using condoms to avoid STIs or bacterial infections and let your friends know where you are and what you’re doing. A text and location drop will do.

Top tip: bring your own condoms, even if you have no intention of having sex. Better safe than sorry, always.

Sex in a tent

First of all, bring your own. There’s nothing that kills the vibe more than someone barging in while you’re trying to get it on, so ensure your privacy by having your own space. The alternative location is a portaloo which you’re free to try, but we don’t recommend it.

As far as tent logistics, an air bed is probably the comfiest to sleep on, but the most awkward to share - it can be squeaky and breaks the rhythm. If you’ve reached the end of the day, avoid torches and embrace the darkness, unless you want everyone to see what you’re doing (tents are pretty see-through)

Positions, please!

The size of the tent is important - if you're blessed with something bigger, the usual positions will work! Otherwise, you might have to adapt and stick to positions that take up less space, like missionary or cowgirl. Getting creative is fun too! Zip two sleeping bags together to make a cosy little love nest. You could also try the ‘tent triangle’, which involves sitting up and facing each other with one person’s legs wrapped around the other’s hips - ease into it until you find a rhythm.

Follow what feels good and what you have room for, and go with the awkwardness of the new location. Good sex includes communication, safety, and fun, whether you’re at a festival or not.

Happy festival szn,

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