So you wanna have a threesome?

Dear A & E, I think I want to try a threesome but I don't know where to start! Any advice?' - Simon



A thruple is a relationship in which three partners are involved. Unlike a threesome, however, thruples are more about a romantic and emotional relationship than being purely sexual.


Threesomes have always been a popular fantasy for many people - we’re all remembering THAT scene in Vicky Christina Barcelona. Multi-partner sex offers a tantalizing experience where you can explore your sexuality in new and exciting ways. But, as with any new sexual experience, it's important to approach them with caution and proper preparation.

What is a threesome?

A threesome is a sexual encounter between three people, typically consisting of a couple and a third person, though it can occur with three single people. The menage-a-trois has been a part of human sexuality for centuries, from the Kama Sutra to modern-day, but cultural attitudes to them vary widely from one country to another.

In some countries, like France, threesomes are widely accepted and even celebrated, while in others they are considered taboo. In the UK, non-monogamous relationships, like solo polyamory, are increasingly common, including threesomes.

Threesomes in popular culture

The media has played a major role in shaping attitudes towards threesomes. Threesomes on TV and film are often sensationalized and exaggerated, leading many people to believe that they are only for the adventurous and daring. However, in recent years, more realistic depictions of threesomes have emerged, showing them as a form of sexual expression that can be enjoyed by lots of different people.

One of the most popular thruples in media is on the Netflix show "Sense 8". The show features a trio of characters who are connected mentally and emotionally, and their relationship is a central theme of the show. Another popular thruple is the relationship between the characters in the movie "The Invitation". The movie depicts a threesome between a couple and a third person exploring their sexuality. Normalising threesomes is important for showing them as sexual experiences that can be positive and fulfilling.

Threesomes vs thruples

Threesomes and thruples are very different. A threesome is a sexual encounter between three people, typically consisting of a couple and a third person, whilst a thruple is a committed romantic relationship between three people. In a thruple, all three partners are involved in a romantic and emotional relationship with each other. Unlike threesomes, they’re more about building a long-term relationship.

The distinction between threesomes and thruples highlights the different motivations and expectations that people have when entering into these relationships. Threesomes are often seen as a way to fulfill a sexual fantasy or to add excitement to a relationship. If you’re thinking about trying either out, it’s super important to understand these differences, as they can impact the dynamics of the relationship.

Interested in exploring one yourself?

So you wanna have a threesome? Great! Make time to consider some things first. Take time to prepare and consider your motivations for doing so. Before you jump into one, have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Be clear about your expectations and boundaries, and make sure that everyone involved is on the same page.

When you are finding a third person, it's important to be mindful in your choice. Go with someone you trust and who is comfortable with the idea of a threesome to make the experience better for everyone involved. If you're in a committed relationship, avoid involving someone who is a close friend or someone who you have a romantic interest in. Instead, consider using a dating app or website specifically designed for people interested in threesomes. There are lots out there!

Threesomes can be a thrilling and fulfilling sexual experience, but it's important to be properly prepared. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the experience is enjoyable for everyone involved, whether you fancy exploring or want to spice up your relationship.

Lots of love,

The Agony and the Ecstasy

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