A beginner's guide to the erogenous zones

Have you ever felt like your sexual partner has gone straight for the crotch way too early? That’s where erogenous zones come in.


Erogenous zone

An erogenous zone is a part of the body which is particularly sensitive to sexual arousal, even if it isn't an obviously sexual body part.


Cast your mind back to that scene in Friends where Monica explains to Chandler that there are “SEVEN, SEVEN, SEVEN” erogenous zones. There’s partial truth to what Monica’s saying. There are more than seven overall, but there are seven primary erogenous zones for women, and eight for men, and they can definitely add to your sex life. Here we break it all down.

What are the erogenous zones?

Erogenous zones are parts of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual arousal, even if they aren’t apparently ‘sexual’ body parts, like the genitals.

Where are they?

Let’s go into list mode for a second. For women, the primary zones are the genitals (no points if you guessed this one), the mouth, the neck, the inner thighs, the butt, the chest/breast/nipple area, and the ears.

Men share a lot of the primary zones with women, like the mouth, ears, neck, inner thighs, chest area, and genitals. But to add to their list is the pubic hair line, and the perineum, which is the area between the anus and the scrotum – try it out if you haven’t already.

These zones are pretty intuitive, and we've all probably been turned on by someone kissing our neck or sucking our earlobe without even realising it was an erogenous zone. Every day’s a school day…

What do they do?

Sure, it’s fantastic to be sexually intimate with someone you find super sexy, but if the foreplay isn’t there, it can be hard to get into it – no matter how fit they are. Erogenous zones elevate sex by creating a heightened sensory experience, by building bodily intimacy between sexual partners, and by acting as a subtle yet very effective teaser of what’s to come (no pun intended).

How can we stimulate them?

First of all: communicate! No one knows your sexual partner’s body like they do, and they might already know what works for them, so it’s worth asking. We all share erogenous zones, but many people have a particular favourite. Take some time to find out what that is.

Just follow what feels natural. Use your hands and mouth to experiment with different sensations; whether this is kissing, licking, stroking, or gently tickling the erogenous zone – see what feels best.

Often, less physical pressure is actually more impactful. Remember, erogenous zones are all about foreplay and subtlety, so just be gentle in your approach.

Go slowly! Choose one erogenous zone and work with that for a while. Don’t feel you have to tackle all the primary zones at once in order to give your partner the best experience.

Finally, erogenous zones can massively upgrade your solo sessions, too. Don’t be afraid to experiment during masturbation, maybe using one hand to do the work, and another to stimulate your erogenous zones. It makes for a multi-sensory experience…

Happy erogenous experimentation!

The Roam Team x

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