Ethical Porn: The Way Forward

The adult entertainment industry is often criticised for its exploitation of performers, lack of consent, and portrayal of unrealistic and damaging sexual practices. However, a new movement is emerging in the world of porn that prioritises ethics, consent, and equality. This new movement is known as ethical porn, and it has the potential to change your sex life in positive ways.


Ethical porn

Ethical porn is porn that is created and distributed in a way that prioritises the safety, health and well-being of all performers involves.


What is ethical porn?

Ethical porn is porn that is created and distributed in a way that prioritises the safety, health, and well-being of all performers involved. This includes respecting their boundaries, obtaining their full consent before an activity begins, and providing fair compensation for their work, so they are paid well and equally.

Ethical porn also aims to represent diverse and realistic bodies, relationships, and sexual practices, and encourages open and respectful communication between partners. Rather than the stereotypical pornos of the 1990s, ethnical porn features the beautiful array of people and partnerships we find it everyday life. 

How can ethical porn change your life?

Here are just a few of the ways in which watching ethical porn can level up your sex life for the better.

Improved Body Image

The representation of diverse and realistic bodies, rather than the unrealistic and damaging standards set by mainstream porn, can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin, and improve your overall body image.

Better Communication

Ethical porn encourages open and respectful communication between partners, which can improve your communication skills in the sheets and beyond. Leading to more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experiences, open and honest communication is key in the bedroom. Communication also helps so that everyone involved is more comfortable watching porn together, rather than isolating, embarrassing or disappointing one person.

Increased Empathy

Gone are the days of seeing performers as actors with no voice. With the help of former performers like Linda Lovelace speaking out openly about non-ethical porn, porn films now should emphasise the safety, health, and well-being of all performers involved. These are the films to look out for. This in turn also helps you cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and respect for your partner. Unethical porn can be dehumanising and dangerous for performers, as well as putting their human rights at risk. Ethical porn puts its performers first, depicting healthy relationships and scenarios and ensuring they are safe and looked after at all times.

More Pleasure

By depicting realistic and enjoyable sexual practices, ethical porn guarantees that all those involved give and receive pleasure, rather than the unrealistic and sometimes harmful practices often portrayed in mainstream porn, where only one party is fulfilled. This means that watching ethical porn is far more satisfying and enjoyable, both when watching alone or with a partner.

How can I find ethical porn?

Finding ethical porn can be challenging, as the porn industry is largely unregulated. However, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that the content you consume is ethical:

  1. Research: Do your research and look for porn producers and websites that prioritize ethical practices and respect for performers. Check out reviews from other users to see what they have to say about the quality and ethics of the porn you're interested in.

  2. Ask for recommendations: Ask friends and trusted sources for recommendations on ethical porn producers and websites before purchasing or viewing a film. Make sure your money is spent on films that put ethics and pleasure first.

  3. Look for certifications: Keep an eye out for qualifications from organisations such as the Feminist Porn Awards or the Queer Porn Awards, which recognize porn producers and websites that prioritize ethical practices and respect for performers. Proof of ethicality is key!

  4. Support Independent Creators: Consider supporting independent creators and producers, who are often more likely to engage in ethical practices and respect performers.

Ethical porn has the potential to better and improve your sex life in so many positive ways, by improving your body image, communication skills, empathy, and sexual pleasure. Do your research, ask for recommendations, and support independent producers that are doing amazing work, such as Erika Lust. By doing all of this, you can ensure that the porn you consume is ethical and respectful. Remember, porn is just one aspect of your sex life! It’s important to prioritise communication, consent, and mutual respect in all of your sexual experiences, no matter what you see on screen.

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